If you are experiencing chest pain, it is extremely important that you contact your GP, or take the necessary precautions until you can rule out physical issues. Once you have explored the potential medical issues associated with your chest pains, it may be appropriate to consider that anxiety may be the root cause.
At the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we often work with clients who have tried multiple techniques to manage their anxiety, but have found no solution. They are often blown away by the results, considering a lot of our clients have paid a lot of money to speak with consultants and doctors of all levels.
Chest pain when breathing, even when a client is seemingly at rest or lying down is a common symptom. This often generates further panic as the sensations continue to move through their chest, arms and legs. This chest pain has often been compared to what they feel a stroke would feel like.
Hypnosis and Therapy Centre : Online Hypnosis for Anxiety
As mentioned, it is extremely important to rule out physical conditions with your GP. However, a burning chest pain may be triggered by anxiety. This is a common symptom that many of our clients with intense anxiety have felt. When this feeling begins, it is very important to identify mentally that this is likely originating from anxiety. This will not necessarily make the pains go away, but will help you cope and manage the initial panic.
At the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we then show you how to control your anxiety attacks as you can feel them come on. Our techniques can instantly reduce and eliminate the overwhelming feeling of an anxiety attack. We also use our unique multi-therapy approach to treat anxiety that comes in the form of a more chronic, constant state.
Regardless of how long you have been experiencing the anxiety attacks this treatment can have immediate results. You do not need to suffer alone. Get in contact and through our online programmes, we will show you how to stop anxiety.
Click here to read about how to stop panic attacks. As anxiety attacks are an emotional response, there are a number of therapies and techniques that we use. Our techniques can give relief from your first visit.
Hypnosis for anxiety – Does it work?
Anxiety is a sensation that most of us experience from time to time, although we may not realise it. Stress, anticipation, pressure, deadlines, exams and performance is also often associated with anxiety.
While these are normal everyday experiences, anxiety attacks occur when they become overwhelming. This can set off a cycle of unpleasant, emotional and debilitating reactions. For anyone who has experienced an anxiety attack, the symptoms and sensations can be severe and traumatic. The fear of having to go through them again can set up associated anxiety and further perpetuate the problem.
Hypnosis is a technique which uses the power of suggestion to reconfigure some of the habitual pathways that our brains use which cause us anxiety. Although our clients may not be conscious of it, it is the effect of their mind which causes them to experience anxiety.

Dublin Hypnosis : Online Hypnotherapy Sessions with the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre
Anxiety in Ireland is at its highest rate in years, especially after the conditions of COVID. After your first session you will feel an instant impact and will start to regain control once again! The following sessions will enforce these improvements to resolve the deeper issues. Can anxiety cause chest pain?
For more detail on anxiety, read hypnotherapy for anxiety.
EVERYONE who has tried hypnotherapy and completed our programmes (usually 3-5 sessions) are amazed at the results. Feel free to read our reviews on Google and Trustpilot! Some have been badly affected for many years, some not even being able to leave their home. This makes the results even more amazing!
Do you have chest pain and think it might be related to anxiety? If you are looking for a way to help yourself or a friend, fill out our Complimentary Breakthrough Session form. In 22 minutes, or less, we will identify what is standing between you and your issue being resolved.