In this article, we’ll provide advice on how practising mindfulness can help you quit smoking, an incredibly harmful addiction that takes years off your life and also puts a massive dent in your bank account. Mindfulness training is an extremely powerful tool and one of the many techniques we use to help dissolve stress and […]
Category: Hypnotherapy Blogs
Online Hypnotherapy at the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre Unfortunately, the media often misconstrues the practice and purpose of hypnosis, with TV shows and films typically portraying it in a rather negative light. But in truth, hypnotherapy is incredibly safe and effective and conducted by qualified professionals who put their clients in a meditative state to
Hypnosis, or hypnotherapy is an impressive tool. At the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we use hypnotherapy and a multi-therapy approach to allow our clients focus their attention on a thought, feeling, memory or sensation. The therapist will then manage their perceptions, behaviours and emotions, depending on the issue. This allows our client to have a
Hypnotherapy is gaining a lot of popularity as an alternative and highly effective way of treating various disorders, including quitting smoking, aiding weight loss, stopping panic attacks and anxiety, relieving insomnia and sleeping disorders, and a whole range of other issues. But, what is hypnotherapy, and how does it work? What Is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy, also