Sometimes our pain signals in our bodies can get confused and the brain does not understand the signals properly.
This can lead to chronic pain or discomfort with no discernible cause, leaving the sufferer frustrated and with little hope of a remedy.
We use hypnosis to reduce and completely eliminate the pain sensations.
All of our clients have felt an instant pain reduction/elimination after the very first session.
Fill out a consultation form to speak with one of our therapists and put an end to your suffering in your first session.
Alternative Therapies for Pain Management
Like all sensations, pain is linked to the emotional centres of the brain. This means that how we are feeling has an effect on the sensation.
Anger and anxiety will cause the pain to be worse while feeling positive and upbeat can help us cope much better.
Pain is a complex experience, involving our whole being and can vary from moment to moment or day to day.
Chronic pain has been referred to as the world’s silent epidemic.
What is Pain?
Each one of us has a different experience of what pain is. Often, the cause of pain is obvious, like a broken leg, but conditions like Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis and many other similar disorders generate a different experience of pain. Medically these are referred to as acute pain (sudden onset) or chronic pain (persistent and ongoing).
Acute pain is like an alarm to let you know something is wrong and needs your attention While chronic pain serves no useful purpose, it often has a strong negative impact on our lives, ranging from discomfort to debilitating.
Why Do I Feel Pain?
Nerves play many roles in our bodies. They pick up all the sensations in the immediate environment and transmit these sensory signals to the brain through the spinal cord. These give the brain a picture of the world around us as it is continually being updated in real time.
Pain is just one of these sensations or signals, feeding the brain with information so that the brain can protect the integrity of the body.
This protection can be a conscious decision to avoid something or it can be an unconscious or involuntary reaction, like taking your hand off something hot.
Most of the time, this process works perfectly well but sometimes the system can go wrong.
The signals can get confused and the brain cannot understand the signals properly. This can lead to chronic or persistent pain or discomfort with no discernible cause, leaving the sufferer frustrated and with little hope of a remedy.
Sometimes pain can begin quite small but can build in its intensity. This intensity can last for hours, days or years leading to a long-term, distressing problem.
Pain Management
Hypnosis would be considered an alternative therapies for pain management although our results are beyond belief for those who have suffered for many years.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals that carry these signals. The bad ones make the pain worse while the good ones block the pain. Draining emotions, like depression or anxiety strengthen the bad neurotransmitters while doing something you enjoy or exercising strengthen the good ones. Pain killers also strengthen the good neurotransmitters.
NB – Pain must always be considered as an indicator that something is wrong. We always advise referring to a medical professional for assessment for anything out of the ordinary.
Once you have seen a medical professional, hypnosis can be used to reduce or eliminate the pain sensations. Chronic pain can be caused by previous injury, bad posture, infection, headache and other medical conditions. Sometimes there can be residual pain left even after the injury has healed.
How We Use Hypnosis for Chronic Pain?
We often hear of people struggling and suffering with pain for months or years of their lives. Pain is an indicator and is an integral part of our function. We have learned to ignore the warnings that pain gives and we see it as an enemy, hence the conflict language, and we embroil ourselves in a constant battle trying to overcome .
Because we see pain as the enemy we set the scene for battle and we become hypersensitive to its effects. We go into full defensive mode so that the fear of the pain makes us even more sensitive to the sensations. #
This can sometimes lead to feeling pain when there is no apparent cause of the pain. As people, we can actually imagine pain into existence, bracing for the impact.
At the Dublin Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we can work together and begin to understand pain as our ally rather than the enemy.
In this way, we can reduce the negative preparation and work with and understand the purpose of the sensations. With this understanding, we can change the dynamics of our reactions. Instead of defence, we have cooperation.

Hypnosis provides us with an access to the parts of our mind that can influence our pain responses. When we stop the conflict, we can set up a new relationship with how we experience pain.
This does not take away the sensation of pain as that is an important function of our bodies. Once we allow our mind to understand that pain is there to protect us, we can use hypnosis to reduce and often completely eliminate the pain. We can relax the muscles and nerves and allow our bodies to heal naturally.
How Do You Treat Chronic Pain?
Drugs have traditionally been the most commonly prescribed treatment option. Although, more and more people are asking:
- Is there a drug-free alternative that can provide immediate and lasting relief? – Yes
- How can it be treated without the negative side-effects of medication? – We’ll show you
In recent years, there has been a number of studies done regarding the effects of hypnosis on pain, such as one in the University of Utah. The majority of studies have come back with promising results.
The studies show that hypnosis can have a 30% decrease in the intensity of severe pain, after just one session. This reduction was maintained for a period of up to six months. This is great news for people suffering with chronic pain for their whole lives. Imagine having two or three sessions?
Keep in mind that these are what these particular studies show. Our personal experience has shown pain go from 11/10 to a 1/10 and remain at this level for one week. In this situation the pain then rose to a 7/10 after a flare-up. Our client called us (they were instructed to call us if the pain went over 2/10) and we reduced the pain to a 0/10 over the phone. This person suffers from Trigeminal Neuralgia, known as the suicide disease due to the pain. Our techniques offer break-through pain relief using hypnosis.
Pain Relief Hypnosis
The capacity of the body to reduce or eliminate chronic pain gives hope to those who do not want to live their lives ingesting medication that may or may not work. We also give hope to those who have tried the conventional treatments and still receive no relief.
Hypnosis does not possess a cure for every ailment. It can however induce a sense of calm and focus that can transform the emotional relationship we have been conditioned to have towards pain. This helps reduce the negative impact of the effects of pain.
Another study from 2015 found that roughly 50% of people suffering from chronic back pain experienced relief lasting more than six months, after just one session.
You do not need to suffer in silence anymore. Book a free, no obligation consultation to see what our therapist has to say.