Sugar addiction is often overlooked as an addiction. It lacks the same stigma as other addictions like drugs and alcohol. Sugar addiction is just as controlling and painful as any other addiction.
At the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we have helped countless clients since 2014 overcome addictions and change their life for the better.
We specialise in using Hypnosis for sugar addiction by communicate with the subconscious, resolving underlying issues from the core, a very different but instantly effective technique for resolving addiction.
Weight loss for hypnosis or weight management may be a contributing factor to learning more, but weight may not be a factor at all! Sugar can be an addictive substance that holds power over oneself. Read more about what you can do to get that power back!
Is Sugar Addictive?
The answer is yes.
Sugar spikes dopamine levels in the brain, much like other drugs. It can cause mood swings, depression, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, skin problems, and many more side effects.
This chemical effect alone can have addictive results that affects many people. It is not as simple as just “giving up sugar” or going on a diet. These cravings can be torturous and affect many aspects of our lives.
There are lots of ways to assist in managing sugar addiction such as using Hypnosis. Caitríona and Fiachra, expert hypnotherapists use a very unique, multi-therapy approach.
What is Sugar addiction?
Sugar addiction needs to be accepted as a real addiction. There are many reasons why you may not hear it talked about as much as other addictions, even though there are physical side and mental side effects, like drugs and alcohol.
With any addiction, people must overcome so many obstacles before being free from their addiction. There are profound emotional and mental ties to an addiction that make it difficult to break free from. There isn’t always a physical withdrawal with sugar. Like other substances or activities that would make someone realise they have an issue.
So, how do people identify if they’re addicted? Sugar can cause more intense issues for people that struggle with an addictive personality, or with depression or anxiety. Sugar can contribute to these feelings, and may have direct association with these emotions.

Why is Sugar Addictive?
As mentioned, sugar spikes dopamine levels like other drugs. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that regulates feelings of pleasure and reward. Different parts of the brain release dopamine, but it’s the part in the nucleus accumbens that releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine.
When one experiences something pleasurable, such as eating sugar, this part of your brain tells you to do more of what produces these pleasant feelings.
The second reason sugar can feel addictive is because your body’s response to sugar doesn’t rely on willpower or self-control. It depends on how your body responds to insulin. Insulin is released when one eats anything with carbohydrates in it, including sugars and starches. Examples may be loaves of bread or grains.
Your body needs insulin to break down those carbs into energy so they can be used by cells throughout your body. When you eat sweets for example, your pancreas produces insulin which makes you crave more sweets and even more carbs because it becomes a looping addictive effect where one leads to the other!
Sugar Addiction Help
There are many ways to help sugar addiction. The first step is identifying that you have a problem, and finding out what your triggers are. You can then discipline yourself to avoid them if possible.
When it comes to sweet foods, it’s essential to keep in mind that they’re not all created the same. Fruit has natural sugars that the body can process efficiently. If you’re going for something sweeter, go for something like dark chocolate or fruit with lower sugar content.
Sugar addiction is often overlooked as people don’t see it as a “bad” thing, but it can have as much impact on a person’s life as any other addiction. It’s essential to be mindful of how much sugar you eat. This way you can avoid the adverse side effects and enjoy your life free from sugar addiction.
When you feel you are ready to rid of your sugar addiction, or if you are intrigued about hypnosis for sugar addiction and want to learn more about what we do, we can organise a 22-minute Complimentary Breakthrough Session with Caitríona or Fiachra. Here, we will identify the issue and discuss a suitable programme based on your needs.
Hypnosis for Sugar Addiction
Breaking an addiction can be complicated, and it’s essential to have professional guidance. Sugar addiction help can be found in the form of a nutritionist, dietician, or other qualified professionals. They can help you to create a plan for breaking the sugar addiction cycle with healthy alternatives and lifestyle changes.
We have been resolving sugar addiction, along with other addictions such as smoking, alcohol, substance, pornography, gambling, work and more.