With everyone’s eyes all on you, your heart starts to race, your skin begins to prickle and you can feel the sweat pouring from your forehead. Sound familiar? This is the fear of public speaking, which is also known as Glossophobia.
Whether you’re speaking to five people, or a hundred, public speaking can be a daunting experience, especially if your job requires it. It’s more common than you think: this phobia affects over 70% of the population of Ireland and the UK, adding itself alongside other everyday worries such as debts and jobs. With “normality” resuming, public speaking (whether it be at weddings, offices or events) will soon be back on the agenda again.
Fear of Public Speaking
So how do you know if you have Glossophobia? These are the most common symptoms of Glossophobia:
- Feelings of panic when asked to speak publicly
- Avoiding situations where you are asked to speak publicly
- Profuse sweating
- Nausea
- Increased heart rate
- Shaking
- Dry mouth
So how can we use Hypnotherapy to help ease this phobia? Read on to explore how Hypnotherapy is becoming a popular option to help tackle the fear of public speaking.
What Is Hypnotherapy and How Can It Help Me?
To put it simply, Hypnotherapy is a method in which hypnosis is used, in order to change a person’s fears, habits or conditions.
Throughout a hypnotherapy session, a hypnotherapist will help to place you in a calm and relaxed frame of mind and will try to help you to understand the root cause of your anxiety. Our fears often let our minds work against us, so hypnotherapy will also teach us how to turn those negative thoughts into positive ones.
Self-help tools such as self-hypnosis, relaxation techniques and visualisation exercises are often taught so that you can implement these whenever you are faced with a situation that may be away from the therapy session.

Here at the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we believe that while many therapies and techniques are used to help sufferers, they often do not resolve the issues themselves.
Instead, we use a multi-therapy approach including Hypnosis and Thought Field Therapy (TFT), which are two of the few therapies that work at the depths of consciousness. By using these methods, many issues can be resolved quickly and permanently.
These techniques are used to reduce and eliminate the overwhelming reactions related to public speaking.
This, in turn, gives the person the confidence and calmness that they need to tackle the fear of public speaking.
So while hypnotherapy may not make you leap to the microphone, it will help to make public speaking something you can handle, rather than fear.
“You use hypnosis not as a cure, but as a means of establishing a favourable climate in which to learn.” — Milton Erickson
Hypnosis for Public Speaking
If you feel you are ready to rid of of your fears, we can organise a 22-minute Complimentary Breakthrough Session with Caitríona or Fiachra. Here, we will identify the issue and discuss a suitable programme based on your needs. Public speaking could be different for everyone. It may be regarding presentations at work, it may even be over Zoom! It may be in front of your family, or a small group of friends.
Whatever the case, you will notice an instant impact after your very first session. Fill out your details below to discuss the process and have your questions answered!