This is a deeper, more emotional topic for some people to what we usually write about. The good news is that hopefully you will find out that the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre can help.
Having someone you’re deeply in love with is such a wonderful feeling. The feeling that nothing can tear you apart – “Love conquers all”.
As time goes by, challenges and changes come your way. For some unfortunately, the relationship does not work out. The “love conquers all” suddenly just turned into, “it all conquered our love”. Your whole world stops. Every sad song, every couple you see, every rom-com you watch is just a reminder of how happy you were before.
How to Get Over Someone?
Break-ups are amongst the hardest situations to deal with- depending on the why’s, the reasons, and everything that contributed to the break-up. It’s just difficult!
Moving on- How to move on from a relationship? An impossible question for some. The clients we have worked with talk about the feeling of all of the sadness in the world and you can’t help but blame yourself. You may feel the heartbreak physically as it creeps in, no matter how hard you try to be strong and hold back the tears. It may make you question your worth as it emotionally and mentally tortures you.
You must be aware that your friends and family are there to support you. If you feel you could benefit from a therapeutic practice, you can organize a 22-minute Complimentary Breakthrough Session with Caitríona or Fiachra. Here, we will identify the issue and discuss a suitable programme based on your needs.
We specialise in using Hypnosis to communicate with the subconscious, resolving underlying issues from the core. Heartbreak is a real and complex feeling, but we work at the unconscious level where a lot of these feelings reside. Our unique, multi-therapy approach does not “cure” heartbreak, but the emotional responses to something so complex can be easily focused on during your sessions, with an immediate impact!
Read our reviews to see how much of a positive impact we have had on their lives in just a few sessions.
Heartbreak: Obsession and Depression
We understand when our clients are broken-hearted and most of us experience this devastating chapter in our lives. No one is safe from being broken-hearted. Unfortunately, this is a part of life where we have to be broken to get our feet back up stronger.
How do we move on? There’s no precise answer for that. However, loving and forgiving yourself is truly a must. Cry, whine if you have to! Let yourself feel the emotions you needed to feel, don’t blame yourself for the things that are fated to happen. You’re broken-hearted and now is your chance to give your heart a break it deserves.
This may be difficult to focus on yourself. Our programmes are developed specifically for our clients and can be instantly effective from your first session.
How to Get Over Someone You Love: Hypnosis and Therapy Centre
Love yourself even more than the way you want to be loved. Have fun with your friends. Learn from the past and let yourself naturally heal. Knowing how to move on is knowing and valuing yourself.
It may take time and some work, but you can be better for yourself to enable yourself to be a ray of sunshine and a blessing for someone else.
We have a number of blog articles which may be of interest and related to this such as “Overcome Anxiety and Bring Calm to your Life” , “Boost Your Self-Confidence” and “How to Fall Asleep Fast Using Hypnosis”.
For more information keep on reading, or for a Free Phone Consultation please fill out your details below and Caitríona or Fiachra will be in contact with you!
Remember, we are here to help along with your family and friends. If you are heart-broken, you will get there.
It is okay to be not okay, to feel everything, to be sensitive and fragile- to be broken. But there is always a way to bounce back!