Worrying is a natural human emotion, it’s part of being alive! It can be helpful in some situations, but when you worry too much or for the wrong reasons, it becomes an unhealthy habit that affects your life negatively.
Remember, worrying won’t make things happen any faster than they would have happened anyway! If you’re worried about something happening, then do what you need to do to prevent it from happening. Don’t waste time thinking about how bad it will feel if it does happen. Instead, focus on doing everything possible to avoid it happening at all.
You may have heard the phrase “Control the Controllables”. But for some people, the worry is overwhelming. At the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we resolve issues at the subconscious level. Our programmes often have immediate affects after the first session, and resolve much more than the issue at hand. Read on to learn more!
Why Do Some People Worry and Overthink?
When we are anxious, our thoughts often tend to go into hyperdrive. We start imagining worst-case scenarios, which lead us down a path of negative self-talk. This often results in feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
When this happens, we may find ourselves feeling like there’s no way out of our situation. Research shows that these types of worries cause more stress than real threats ever could. The happy-case scenario is that you stay positive by focusing on solutions rather than issues. We understand that this is not always possible and can often have horrific effects on anxiety, stress, sleep and overall mental health. You can read about each of these issues and how we can help you with each of these within the programme.
Hypnosis is highly effective for issues such as these. Speaking with Caitríona and Fiachra Morrison, expert hypnotherapists, you will quickly learn that you do not have to suffer with these feelings. You CAN get back in control of your life. This is not magic, we resolve the issue permanently using a variety of therapeutic techniques that have been perfected into the Rapid Mindset Recoding Programme.
Why Overthinking Can Have an Adverse Effect
Overthinking can cause anxiety because it makes you believe that you cannot control certain aspects of your life. For example, in the case that you are constantly worried about whether someone likes you back, you might begin to doubt yourself and their intentions towards you. Overthinking also leads to negative thoughts and depression because it can create a sense of isolation and loneliness.
There are scenarios where Caitríona and Fiachra have helped clients that cannot leave their house, even for simple tasks like putting out the bins. These clients are blown away at the affects of our programmes.
Especially due to COVID, this has become a more common result of the pandemic, but can be worked on at the unconscious level to dissolve this overwhelming feeling. Overthinking of the infinite things that can go wrong if they leave the house is a large factor, amongst other issues.

What Can I Do to Avoid Overthinking?
Identify the source of the problem
When you notice that you’ve been obsessively thinking about one particular thing, ask yourself why you’re so concerned about it. Is it worth spending hours upon hours dwelling on it? Or maybe you are simply trying to figure out what to wear today.
Either way, take note of where your mind goes after noticing such behavior. Once you know what triggers your obsession, you can work toward changing those habits. This can contribute in helping, but it is clear that in the more severe cases, this alone will make little difference.
Take action
If you realise that you spend most of your day overthinking about something, don’t wait until tomorrow to get started. Instead, pick up a pen and paper at that time and write down every single thought that comes to mind.
Then, read through what you have written down at a later stage to see if anything stands out. Maybe you were overly critical of yourself while watching TV alone, or perhaps some items on the list don’t seem as important as they did at the time of writing them down. That means you probably had a lot of unproductive thoughts during that period. Now, you can use that information to change your mindset.
Talk to others
Talking to other people who understand your concerns can be very helpful. Talking to friends or family members helps you gain perspective on your issues. They can offer advice and support, helping you move past your fears.
However, talking to strangers online isn’t recommended. While social media sites provide anonymity, they aren’t always safe spaces. People can easily misinterpret your messages and comments. So, before posting anything, consider whom you want to talk to first. This advice should be taken for all situations!
It may be best to keep things private for your close friends and family. There may be some situations where even the people you care about the most do not understand or act appropriately when you discuss these thoughts. And that’s okay. It’s not that they do not care, it may be difficult for a non-professional to comprehend what is going on, or perhaps they have their own issues that distract them from providing the support needed.
If you feel you could benefit from a therapeutic practice, you can organise a 22-minute Complimentary Breakthrough Session with Caitríona or Fiachra.
Find an Outlet
Sometimes, when we become too consumed with our troubles, we forget to enjoy the little moments in life. To combat this issue, make sure to schedule some fun activities each. Whether going to the movies, taking a walk around town, or playing video games, having a positive experience can boost your mood.
It does not matter the type of activity you choose; remember to enjoy yourself instead of stressing about everything else.
Hypnosis: How to Stop Worrying About Something
Worrying about something can have positive results, but overthinking often serves to create more problems than solutions. By learning how to cope with overthinking, you will find peace within yourself. You may even start looking forward to all the new opportunities that come along!
Feel free to read our reviews to see how much of a positive impact we have had on their lives in just a few sessions. We also have a number of blog articles which may be of interest and related to this such as “Overcome Anxiety and Bring Calm to your Life” , “Boost Your Self-Confidence” and “How to Fall Asleep Fast Using Hypnosis”.