Online Hypnotherapy and at the Ben Dunne Gym, Kimmage, Dublin
- Depending on how much you smoke, with lighters, skins, tobacco, cigarettes included you could be losing around €16 /packet = €112 /week = over €450 /month = over €5800 /year. Imagine spending that on a holiday, new car or little treats to enjoy with your family!
- Smoking is an incredibly dangerous habit that takes years of your life and can cause cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes and many other potentially fatal health conditions.
- Quitting vaping and/or smoking improves your bank balance and health, allows the skin to rejuvenate and look younger, and boosts your energy as more oxygen can reach the brain, making you feel more alert.
- Anxiety and Stress may also be linked to your smoking habits. In our programs you get the benefit of resolving all of these issues within the same program… permanently!
Start your journey to stop smoking today by filling out our Complimentary Breakthrough Session form. In 22 minutes or less, an expert stop-smoking hypnotherapist can help you identify the obstacle preventing you from quitting smoking and getting back in control of your life.
Reasons Why and How to Stop Smoking
We provide ongoing support throughout the 3-5 session program to ensure we resolve the underlying issues that are contributing to you smoking. In other clinics, you may stop smoking after the first session. But if the core reason that you smoke is not resolved, you are likely to smoke in the future or replace smoking with another undesired habit.
This is why we commit to 3-5 sessions in most cases, so we can provide the necessary support for our clients. Our clients will then see the results for themselves rather than being left alone immediately after the process. This also allows us to enforce the positive influences of your sessions, while working to improve your sleep, anxiety, stress and other unwanted emotional responses (all within the same sessions). This is FAR more effective and offers permanent, life-changing results. Read our reviews to see the results of past clients as they are now back in control, feeling empowered!
While cigarettes may simply appear to be dried, chopped-up tobacco leaves rolled in paper, they actually contain a deadly cocktail of chemicals. A few of the substances inhaled when you spark up include tar — a sticky residue that coats the lungs and has over 50 cancer-causing carcinogens — and carbon monoxide, which reduces the amount of oxygen in the body and causes shortness of breath and heart disease. Here are the facts you need to know:
- 50% of all long-term smokers die a tobacco-related death.
- Research estimates a person’s life is reduced by five and a half minutes for every cigarette they smoke.
- In Ireland, smoking is the lead cause of avoidable death. Nearly 7 thousand people die each year, and thousands of others become ill from smoking-related diseases.
- Roughly 30% of all cancer deaths in Ireland are linked to smoking, and the habit directly causes 90% of lung cancers.
- Smoking during pregnancy accounts for an estimated 20-30% of low birth weight babies, 14% premature deliveries and up to 10% of infant deaths.
Hypnosis connects the conscious and the subconscious parts of the mind. As cravings and symptoms are controlled by the subconscious, hypnosis allows us to access and rewire parts of your mind, enabling us to remove the undesirable thoughts linking smoking habits with positive feelings. Hypnotherapy to stop smoking can drastically increase your chances of kicking the habit for good. For more information, visit the Department of Health website.
While these are certainly some scary statistics, the good news is our Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program can help you quit immediately. All you need to do is fill out our Complimentary Breakthrough Session form or email us directly, and either Caitríona or Fiachra will contact you to get your stop smoking journey underway.

Use Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking Permanently
Many people are unsuccessful at quitting cigarettes, but at the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we work through the problems that have prevented you from stopping in the past. No matter how many cigarettes you smoke — we’ve even worked with clients smoking up to 80 a day — our Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program can help free you from cravings and the desire to smoke.
We also provide a free hypnosis audio recording to listen to after your session, helping reinforce what you’ve learnt from the program.
Hypnotherapy is an extremely powerful and effective solution for stopping addictions, and it has enabled us to help hundreds of clients across the globe.
Simply read our reviews, and you’ll see the number of people who are constantly amazed at how hypnosis for smoking has helped them stop vaping and/or smoking and turn their life around.
How Do Our Hypnotists Help You Stop Smoking?
At the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we understand cigarette addictions are both physiological and psychological. When a person smokes, they get a hit of nicotine surging through their veins. As time elapses throughout the day, it slowly seeps out of their bodies, causing discomfort, anxiety and headaches — this is the physical addiction.
Then, every time they give in to the craving and light up again, their brains get a rewarding dose of dopamine, creating a psychological dependence.
The dual nature of this habit means there needs to be a two-pronged approach to quitting. While mindfulness and the other techniques taught by our hypnotists can help you tackle the psychological side, nicotine must be eradicated from your system to beat the physical addiction.
Although we’re based in Dublin, Ireland, our Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program is conducted online via our secure therapy room. We also use Skype, Zoom and WhatsApp.
This method of hypnotherapy is 100% as effective as face-to-face consultations. This allows us to support anyone around the world kick the habit. Plus, doing it from the comfort of your home means all you need to do is plug in a pair of headphones and relax.
Is Hypnosis to Stop Smoking Safe?
The answer is a resounding yes! Hypnosis is not only a quick and effective way to stop smoking, but the techniques we use are also gentle, safe and effective. You’ll simply feel like you’re in a meditative or trance-like state and remain in full control and awareness of your surroundings.
By adopting a multi-therapy approach, our therapists help you navigate cravings by teaching your mind that the feeling of needing another cigarette only lasts momentarily and caving to the desire will continue to strengthen your nicotine dependence. We also use similar hypnotherapy methods to treat a vast range of other emotional, physical and psychological issues, including weight loss, anxiety and panic attacks, sleep conditions, self-confidence and phobias.

How Long Does a Stop Smoking Hypnosis Session Last?
Sessions for our online Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program vary in length. Your first one will last approximately 60 minutes. However, follow-up appointments to reinforce teachings can be about 45 minutes and are conducted either over the phone or via our online therapy room. We are also available for quick check-ins over the phone to ensure the cravings are at bay. Read more in our Hypnosis FAQs or our Hypnotherapy Blog!
We believe in tailoring our programs to the requirements of each client. After just one of our sessions, many people, including those who’ve smoked heavily for a long time, feel rejuvenated and never have the need to smoke again. The reviews speak for themselves.
Use hypnosis to take control of your addiction and stop smoking or quit vaping for good. What have you got to lose? We genuinely want to help you improve your health, so book a 22-minute Complimentary Breakthrough Session. Alternatively, call us directly to speak with Caitríona or Fiachra today.
Dealing With Anxiety: Dublin Hypnosis Awards For Anxiety Hypnotherapy
We are a multi-award winning Hypnosis Clinic for a reason:
- Best Hypnotherapy Clinic in Ireland 2022/2023 by Best in Ireland
- Hypnotherapy Clinic of the Year – Dublin 2022/2023 by Corporate LiveWire
- Hypnosis Clinic of the Year 2023 – Irish Enterprise Awards
- Hypnotherapy Clinic of the Year – Dublin 2023/2024 (2nd year in a row) by Corporate LiveWire
Notice a trend? Have a read of our reviews on Google, Trustpilot and Facebook to see the drastic, life-changing impacts we have provided to our client
A lot of people who experience anxiety, often turn to smoking or vaping as a relief. Read more about our Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program. Other common issues we treat include insomnia, self-confidence, weight loss, stress, phobias, chronic pain, sports performance and more! See a full list of issues treated
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