At the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre, we’ve used our “Hypnosis to Sleep” sessions to communicate with the subconsciouses of many insomnia sufferers, helping resolve the underlying issues causing their sleep problems. Our reviews are from genuine individuals who were perhaps in a situation similar to you now.
Can you imagine how uncomfortable it is getting minimal sleep for days, months or years on end? Those with young children might know the feeling, but for others with sleeping conditions, such as sleep apnea, insomnia and general restlessness due to stress or anxiety, it’s a permanent problem that can take its toll on even the strongest person.
However, there is a solution. After completing our sleep hypnotherapy programme, we ensure everyone we work with finally gets the consistent deep sleep they need and deserve.
All of our clients have said they noticed an immediate impact, and many no longer need medication to get a decent kip — even those addicted to sleeping tablets! Although we do advise our patients to consult with their GP before coming off any prescribed meds.
How Does Hypnosis for Insomnia Work?
Our expert hypnotherapists have a lot of empathy for people with insomnia, sleep apnea, and other sleeping issues. Each case is different, and finding a suitable remedy to resolve these conditions can be incredibly difficult. Many of those suffering from a lack of sleep spend a considerable amount of time and money trying to figure out the cause of the problem. But, what works for some, may not work for others, often leading to more frustration.
People are sometimes sceptical of hypnotherapy, also known as hypnosis, due to its portrayal in TV shows and movies. However, sleep hypnotherapy performed by a professional can be very effective in combating insomnia and restlessness.
Many of our clients have struggled to sleep for many years, and after only one hypnosis to sleep session found they were finally able to nod off comfortably. And by the end of the programme, they were having the best and most consistent sleep they’ve ever had!
The Main Causes of Insomnia
Statistics estimate that 16% of adults in Ireland have insomnia, with numbers rising, and stress is the primary trigger. Over-thinking and worrying about concerns such as your finances, work or relationships at night is something we all do. However, this can quickly lead to restlessness when our minds should be slowing down and easing into a peaceful slumber.
Other issues that can cause insomnia include heavy digestion or hunger, smoking, depression, frequently using recreational drugs and living a sedentary life, as a lack of activity can hinder your natural sleep cycle.
If you have not been able to sleep for several months, it is also advisable to visit a GP to rule out having other medical issues.
What Happens after a “Hypnosis to Sleep” Session?
Those who have taken our online sleep hypnotherapy sessions often say their dreams are much more restful than usual and that they feel calmer, like their brain activity has been positively affected by the hypnosis process. Our clients also report that they fall asleep faster, sleep deeper every night and wake up refreshed rather than feeling like they’re ready to doze off again.
One of the techniques our highly qualified hypnotherapists use is suggestive hypnosis by way of guided meditation. Through this, they can access their client’s subconscious mind, helping them break unwanted behaviours by feeding them carefully worded suggestions. Afterwards, the patient will notice their worries no longer have a detrimental effect on their sleep.
Discover the Benefits of Sleep Hypnotherapy Today!
Hypnotherapy is a very effective technique for combating sleep apnea, insomnia and many other sleeping issues. Our services also cover hypnosis for emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression and addictions.
Fill in our Complimentary Breakthrough Session form, and in 22 minutes or less, we’ll find out what’s preventing you from overcoming a specific problem and put together a plan to help you conquer it.