It can be easy to detach ourselves from devastating floods, hurricanes and raging bush fires when they are happening far away from where we resides. We are becoming more conscious that these unusual weather patterns are all part of the new global climate, and that they are happening more frequently.
We may ask ourselves “What can we do?”.
Whole nations are attempting to slow down the onset of a very difficult future regarding climate change. There is an abundance of reporting and analysis by the experts of the world that indicates the severity of the issue.
It is all too easy to become weighed down and overwhelmed by the enormity of what needs to be done.
Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and a long list of other alternative treatments can be used to manage and eliminate this overwhelming anxiety. This can enable us to regain control of our subconscious, so that we can combat climate anxiety and other aspects of our lives.
Feeling Overwhelmed and Paralysed by this Anxiety
It is not uncommon to feel engulfed by anxiety when realising that we do not have full control over the future. This generates varying intensities of anxiety and powerlessness when it comes to addressing these global issues. We can “do our bit” by recycling, reusing and changing our buying habits. However, our efforts can fade into insignificance as we are bombarded by the updated figures, projections and catastrophes.
Anxiety is not the problem, but rather a symptom that there is something much deeper transpiring subconsciously within us.
When the feelings of powerlessness, helplessness and hopelessness are synonymous with feeling paralyed, it indicates that we are not in control of our own autonomy. They are instinctive, protective responses to what is going on in the world around us. Without a strong sense of control, we can feel threatened and endangered.
Experiencing “Mental Shutdown” Around Climate Change

Powerlessness is one of the cornerstones of climate anxiety. That experience of feeling helpless may also be evident in other aspects of our lives. Whether we realise it or not, this may affect our jobs, relationships, family, affect us financially and in other personal areas of our lives.
When our conscious desire to feel in control does not line up with our subconscious capacity, anxiety can often be the result. This consistent state of intense anxiety can lead to a mental and emotional shutdown.
The rationality behind this anxiety may be due to conflicting information, injustice, uncertainty and lack of clarity. The familiar symptoms of anxiety and panic become evident. For example, the output may be anger, frustration, depression, and/or confidence issues. When these emotions become overwhelming, mental shutdown can be the outcome.
How Does Long-Term Climate Anxiety Affect Our Physical and Mental Health?
Mental Health
Effects on our mental health can go unnoticed for long periods of time. Our self-esteem, confidence, motivation, focus and energy may decline.
Relationships with family, friends and work colleagues are often negatively impacted, perhaps leading to destructive or addictive behaviours. This is a reactive response to escaping the powerlessness or to feel some sense of control.
Depression, associated anxiety disorders, panic attacks, eating disorders and self-harm are just a few of the symptoms associated with this feeling of powerlessness.
Physical Health
Anxiety in general can impact our physical health if we enter a state of reactive response. This means that adrenaline can be present in excessive quantities for uncontrolled periods of time. These physical effects have implications in many important areas including sleeping, eating and maintaining healthy blood pressure.
Long-term, insufficient or disturbed sleep can have serious physical implications such as exhaustion. Our immune system then weakens, opening us up to infection and illness.
Excessive or inadequate eating can have further implications with underlying issues and diabetes. Stress can also influence us mentally and physically, leading to heart and blood pressure issues.
In addition to the mental and physical effects, it is important to note that it is not just the sufferer who is affected. Their family, friends and colleagues are also deprived of the person they knew and loved.
The overwhelming nature of climate change, as you can see, can have serious emotional and physical effects on our bodies and mental health. Hypnotherapy performs at the subconscious level to manage and eliminate anxiety from the core. Once rectified, you will feel confident and back in control of your life, ready to “do your bit” without the shackles of anxiety.
Overcoming Climate Anxiety

When we analyse the behaviours and responses to anxiety, we can identify the mental shutdown, the overwhelming paralysis, and the direct effects on our physical and mental health. This is not caused by climate issues. Rather, they are simply symptoms of the powerlessness we feel as we face the enormity of the situation.
We cannot fight against the facts, but we do not need to. This change of mindset results in all of our behaviours and thoughts filtering through this vision. Anything that is opposed to this idea should no longer be a consideration in our lives.
Getting into conflict with a concept out of our control will only drain our physical, mental and emotional energies with little, if any, result.
Taking action, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, allows us to take back control so we can live on our terms. With our sense of control intact the helpless anxiety we had once experienced can dissipate, having no more power over us.
There are many ways to change our mindsets. Hypnotherapy is world-renowned to be one of the quickest and most effective ways to change any mindset or behaviour. Hypnosis, by its nature, works outside the logical, conscious awareness bringing balance back to the instinctive, intuitive and emotional centres.
Our habits and behaviours are generated at this subconscious level, so they are naturally reset and realigned. This readjustment takes little effort, but it can only happen with your permission and desire.
While this is a simple process, not all Hypnotherapists can influence this change. Many can get distracted by their techniques and modalities. But it is the simplicity of this process that can make it difficult to implement.
Is it possible to feel positive in the face of such a seemingly enormous problem?
In this state, we are always trying to adapt and fit in based on the situations or circumstances in which we find ourselves. We cannot be in control living in this way. Living our lives on our terms, guided by our own values and principles without compromise allows us to maintain the purest sense of inner control.
If how we feel is controlled and influenced by the external world, we are living our lives conditionally.
We must focus our attention beyond what we cannot control. This gives us all the control we need in facing any issue, regardless of its intensity. By doing this, we also inspire positivity and a solution-focused attitude.
How different would our society be if our habits and behaviours were consistent with our values and principles? How easy would it be to “do our bit”? Perhaps then, the world could change its behaviours to make a significant impact on global warming and eliminate climate anxiety.
If this is affecting you, please get in touch with us to discuss the process of overcoming this feeling of powerlessness. For a Free Phone Consultation or Complimentary Breakthrough Session, fill out the form below!