Below is a very personal post written by someone who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. We will keep them anonymous, but we know these feelings are very common for people that come to the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre. We specialise in using Hypnosis and a unique, multi-therapy approach to communicate with the subconscious mind, resolving underlying issues from the core. Working at the unconscious level, we can bypass all of the baggage and get straight to the core issue.
We hope that this sheds some light if you are dealing with similar symptoms.
Read below and please reach out if you think we can help you.

Anxiety can be described as feeling anxious, restless, worried, or scared. Anxiety also has some physical signs such as rapid breathing, muscle tension, and fast heart rate. Dealing with anxiety is not always easy, but there are many ways of coping with this emotional disorder.
I suffer from general anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dealing with these types of disorders is not as easy as it may seem because although they are classified as mental illnesses, they affect your physical being. In this article, I will explain what it’s like dealing with anxiety daily.
Every day is a struggle for me…
Although my OCD has flared up quite a bit less now that I’m taking medication for it, the anxiety aspect plagues me constantly throughout the day. It takes away all my energy and motivation to do things that I know would normally be beneficial to me, but today all I want to do is stay in bed or curl up in a ball under my desk.
Dealing with anxiety is like feeling sick every day, only it’s not just your body that feels sick but your mind as well. You feel constantly drained and fatigued, so much so that sometimes you don’t want to move because all you want to do is lay in bed and stare at the wall. Dealing with this makes me completely unproductive because all I can think about during the day is feeling bad and worrying about how my thoughts are affecting me physically.

Dealing with Anxiety: Emotional Stress
It also affects me emotionally, which affects my relationships with others because I suffer from panic attacks around certain people.
No matter how hard I try, they stress me out to the point where I cannot even be in their presence.
Dealing with someone who has anxiety isn’t easy because they lash out at you, and it’s never your fault, and I wouldn’t say I like that about myself.
Dealing with someone like me can be nerve-racking for other people because no one knows how to react when we get upset or angry over things that normally wouldn’t stress someone out in the slightest.
Dealing with that alone is hard enough, but there’s also all this pressure to appear normal so people won’t know anything is “wrong” with us, making dealing with anxiety even more difficult.
Taking Steps: Dealing With Anxiety
One way to work out the problem is by making a list of your anxieties and how you will deal with them before they even happen.
1. Relaxation Techniques
Dealing with anxiety is all about learning how to control your breathing, heart rate, and muscle tension. Try some relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga. Dealing with anxiety this way will help you deal with the physical feelings associated with anxiety.
2. Lifestyle
You can help reduce stress levels and irritability by making simple lifestyle changes. Dealing with anxiety through your lifestyle means taking time out for yourself, getting plenty of sleep every night, eating healthily, and exercising regularly. Dealing with depression this way can also bring positive results to relationships at home or work.
3. Socialising
Socialising boosts self-confidence and enforces healthy views on life. Dealing with anxiety by socializing can help you relax and unwind. Once depression is under control, you may also find it easier to build new friendships
4. Talking About Anxiety: Hypnosis and Therapy Centre
Talking about your problems with someone you trust will always be the best way of dealing with them, whether they are friends or family members. Dealing with anxiety or not having someone like this in your life means trying out online support groups.

We are here, if you need
If you struggle with anxiety and depression, this is what we work with at the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre.
Feel free to read our long list of services that we provide and our reviews of clients we have helped who were in your situation.
Online therapy is also an excellent way to stay connected to the outside world. For more information on how Hypnotherapy could help you make that life-changing positive change on your mindset, get in touch.
Take the first step towards a healthier and happier life. For a Free Phone Consultation please fill out your details below and Caitríona or Fiachra will be in contact with you!