Statistics from the World Health Organisation show that smoking is the single leading cause of cancer worldwide and is responsible for 70% of all lung cancer cases. Smokers also have a higher risk of many other potentially lethal health conditions, including strokes and heart failure. However, despite these risks and the financial drain of being addicted to cigarettes, this habit is incredibly tough to quit without support. When you spark up, the nicotine that cigarettes contain floods your brain and triggers the area associated with rewards and pleasure.
However, with our online Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking programme, our friendly and highly skilled therapists can help you kick the habit permanently in as little as one session — here’s how.
Why Is Hypnosis One of the Best Ways to Quit Smoking?
Looking for a fast and effective way to ditch cigarettes for good? Our online hypnosis programmes are the answer.
Although nicotine patches and gum are undoubtedly easy to use, if you ask anyone who’s tried them, there is a 90% chance that the results won’t be permanent. We know this from the thousands of people we’ve seen since 2004 and the feedback we receive from our hypnotherapy sessions.
However, when using hypnosis to quit smoking, our therapists actively communicate with the subconscious part of your brain, allowing us to change your thought patterns and, ultimately, your behaviour.
Stopping this habit is the client’s choice, though, and we never hypnotise anyone to do anything against their wishes. But, by communicating with your subconscious, we can open the metaphorical doors of your mind that you might never have accessed before, leading to dramatic and often instantaneous results. The effects of overcoming this habit by harnessing the power of your mind are often life-changing.
Our Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking Programme
Our unique multi-therapy approach will reduce the severity of your craving and give you the strength to cope healthily with stress, helping you feel rejuvenated and happier in a very short space of time.
Of course, we’re fully aware that every client is different — that’s why we offer hypnosis programmes instead of individual sessions. While most of the people we work with quit smoking after only one appointment, we provide ongoing support and follow-up calls to ensure that you’re satisfied with the results. Our aftercare and the effectiveness of our methods is what makes the Hypnosis and Therapy Centre stand out as one of the leading hypnotherapy clinics in Ireland.
Sometimes the client may need more than one session, and this is okay. We don’t set the expectation that you’ll quit after the first session, although many people do, as we want you to feel comfortable enough to combat your issues in your own time.
How Effective Is Our Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking Programme?
Thousands of smokers quit smoking using the power of hypnosis, and this form of therapy is also amazingly efficient for dealing with other addictive behaviours such as drugs, drinking and gambling.
Lighting a cigarette, holding it in your hand and inhaling and exhaling the smoke can become a relaxing ritual. Turning to hypnosis as a healthier alternative to calm your mind and body can subtly change your perception of smoking and improve your way of life.
And it’s not just addictions we help our patients overcome — we offer a number of online hypnosis programmes to tackle weight loss, stress, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, insomnia, sports and business performance, and more!
If you’re tired of putting your health on hold and ready to book your first Stop Smoking hypnosis appointment, call us directly on 01450 8923. Or, fill in our Complimentary Breakthrough Session form, and, in 22 minutes or less, we’ll be able to pinpoint the obstacle standing between you and the problem you’re trying to conquer and start you on your journey towards leading a better life.